Costume Society Diamond Anniversary Online Conference 2024 CFP

Saturday, 26 October – Wednesday, 6 November

Adorned with Jewels CALL FOR PAPERS

Saturday 26th October, Wednesday 30th October, Saturday 2nd November, Wednesday 6th November 2024

I adorned you with ornaments, put bracelets on your wrists, and a chain on your neck.

And I put a jewel in your nose, earrings in your ears, and a beautiful crown on your head.

Thus you were adorned with gold and silver, and your clothing was of fine linen, silk, and embroidered cloth.

                                                                                                                   King James Bible Ezekiel 16:11-14

The Society’s Diamond Anniversary Conference will appropriately explore all things jewelled and encrusted with stones, bullion, metals, sequins and beads and fragments from the natural world. This glittering conference will feature keynote and guest speakers and those selected from the call for papers.

The conference seeks to explore all aspects of jewellery and decorated and embellished garments and we are seeking papers which will explore the four sections of the conference, or which help to establish the context for them:

Jewels and Jewellery

Garments adorned with Surface Decoration

Taken From Nature

Skills and Makers

If you are interested in giving an illustrated paper; create a presentation of a collection or group of garments; hold a conversation about your experience as a maker or present your contribution in another way, then we would be pleased to hear from you.

Presentations, with the exception of those by keynote speakers, will be of between 20 minutes and 30 minutes.

We welcome papers from academics, collectors, curators, designers, dealers, researchers, students, and independent scholars as well as those who are experienced as makers, manufacturers, wearers or experts and commentators.

Those wishing to offer papers should submit their proposal using the template provided which can be found here.

Proposals and CVs should be sent to our Chair

All submissions must be received by close of Friday 16th August 2024.

All submissions will be considered by an Advisory Panel made up from the Costume Society Executive Committee and specialists in the thematic areas.

Candidates will be notified by Friday 30th August 2024.

Successful speakers will be asked to provide additional information in advance of the Conference. This will include: An illustration relating to the talk/demonstration to be used in social media promotion for the conference. A synopsis of the talk/demonstration to be used in social media promotion and the published conference programme and a short biography, headshot and any social media tags to be used in promotion of your particular contribution to the conference.

Please note the Society posts ‘live’ commentary on the conference on social media.

The Society regrets that it is not possible to pay for expenses in the preparation and presentation of a paper, but free access to the conference series will be available for contributors.

 Please contact our Chair if you have any queries.

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