The Patterns for Performance Award

The Patterns for Performance award encourages students to design a period garment for a character in a performance.

The Patterns for Performance Award launched in 2019 for students to design a period garment for a character in a performance. 

The Awards are an important part of the Costume Society’s output that promotes the high standard of craft and artistry that they produce. 

On Saturday 6th July, the Costume Society announced the Patterns of Fashion and Patterns for Performance 2024 award winners at the Society’s Annual General Meeting held at the Fashion and Textiles Museum.

For 2024, multi-award-winning costume designer Susannah Buxton was our judge and chose the winner. For more details see our dedicated 2024 awards page.

Be sure to check out our YouTube channel to see videos from all of our past award winners and finalists.

An award of £800 is given to the winner, with £500 for the highly commended, and £200 for the runner up. For details of eligibility and application forms see below.

Please email your applications to: Patterns for Performance Award Team  

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